IPL in the Fall

By Pacific Derm on November 3 2012

After a summer spent outdoors, you may have noticed additional sunspots, freckles and/or blood vessels on your face, neck, hands and décolleté—no matter how diligent you were with the sun protection.

Fall and winter are the perfect season to undergo Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) photorejuvenation treatments. IPL can address a multitude of skin imperfections besides sun damage. IPL is utilized for redness, age spots, enlarged pores, facial spider veins and hair removal (however we find lasers are far more effective than IPL  for hair removal).

New eLight IPL

Pacific Dermaesthetics has recently purchased a new IPL system called the eLight. This machine extends beyond the traditional IPL technology because it converges two independent types of energy – the pulsed light of IPL and radio frequency (RF) – and applies them to the skin simultaneously.

What’s the benefit? The addition of RF therapy leads to more controlled stimulation and regeneration of three layers of skin, including collagen. IPL supported by RF energy reaches down to a skin depth of 4.0mm versus a depth of 2.5mm for a single dose of IPL.

In terms of safety, the eLight penetrates the skin tissue more efficiently and effectively, using smaller amounts of energy. In other words, it reduces the risk of burns to the skin (which we’ve seen from inferior IPL machines) as well as improving the comfort level.

What to Expect

An IPL procedure usually takes 30-45 minutes, depending on the area being treated. No anesthetic is needed with IPL but as part of its safety measures, the eLight cools the skin’s surface increasing comfort levels during treatment.

There is no downtime after an IPL treatment so you can book a session during your lunch break or before any other regular activity. Pigmented spots will darken within 4-7 days and subsequently peel off, revealing a smoother and more even skin tone.

While many people will see improvement after one session, most skin concerns will require a series of two to three treatments to observe significant changes to the skin. A treatment plan customized for your skin will be put together during your initial consultation.

Call us for more information on IPL Treatments or to book a consultation today.