The Benefits of Emollients

By Pacific Derm on February 11 2014

stock123rf-hands cremeEmollients are moisturizers, such as lotions, creams, and ointments, which are used to keep the skin supple and moist.

The main difference between the different types of moisturizers available is the proportion of oil to water. The oil content is lowest in lotions (low viscosity) and highest in ointments. The higher the oil content, the greasier it feels on your skin.

Emollients for Eczema

People with eczema have a tendency towards dry skin, which can easily become inflamed and irritated. The regular use of emollients can help prevent this.

If you have eczema, you should apply emollients every day even when your skin isn’t inflamed. For some people this may mean several times per day, but this worthwhile task will help reduce flare-ups and the reliance on topical prescription products. While medications such as steroid creams have the ability to clear your eczema, long-term improper use carries the risk of side effects.

What Emollient is Best?

Whether you have a skin condition such as eczema or chronically dry skin, there is no one ‘best product’.  The type you should use depends on the level of dryness, the body part, and personal preference.

Your Doctor or Dermatologist can make recommendations on the emollients which may best suit you, but your best choice is something you like enough to use regularly.