When looking for rosacea treatment in Vancouver, it’s beneficial to understand the significance of thorough research and assessment. This approach involves knowing the causes and mechanisms behind symptoms to identify the most effective treatment for their situation.
While our rosacea laser treatment clinic in Vancouver finds intense pulsed light (IPL) to be a highly effective treatment option for many patients, we always emphasize the importance of understanding rosacea triggers and making lifestyle changes in conjunction with any medical treatments. Keep reading to learn more about rosacea, the many ways it can manifest, and what measures are available to help mitigate its effects.
What Is Rosacea?
Rosacea is a long-term skin condition that causes blush-like redness on the face – particularly the cheeks, nose, and forehead. This reaction tends to flare up after exposure to triggers such as stress, sunlight, spicy foods, and alcohol. The Global Rosacea Society estimates that roughly 415 million people worldwide struggle with some form of diagnosed or undiagnosed rosacea.
Rosacea Is a Long-Term Problem
Rosacea is often discounted among other skin conditions because it resembles a natural process everyone goes through. What society fails to recognize, however, is that blushing and rosacea aren’t the same thing. The process works similarly, where blood vessels on the face dilate upon strong emotions or triggers. But with rosacea, the redness doesn’t fade away. Blood vessels remain enlarged and visible, leading to persistent redness on the face. Some rosacea sufferers go on to develop inflammatory pimples, as well as visible inflammation around their eyes.
Types of Rosacea
Before seeking out any kind of rosacea treatment, you should know that there are different types of rosacea. Identifying the kind you’re struggling with will be key to finding an effective way to address it.
Mild Rosacea
Characterized by occasional flushing and redness. During a reaction, small blood vessels may be seen on the nose and cheeks.
Moderate Rosacea
Patches of redness persist while blood vessels remain visible for an extended period of time. Moderate cases of rosacea are typically accompanied by pimples and sensations of the skin burning or stinging.
Severe Rosacea
Individuals experience diffused facial redness with an enlarged red, bumpy nose (Rhinophyma). Multiple bumps and/or pustules form alongside enlarged blood vessels.
Ocular Rosacea
Ocular rosacea is estimated to affect half of total sufferers. It uniquely impacts the eyes by causing additional redness and burning, which often leads to excess water discharge.
What are the Causes of Rosacea?
Our rosacea laser treatment team would be able to provide you with a long list of anecdotal reasons why clients believe they have this condition. It largely remains a mystery to the scientific community, which can only currently say with confidence that genes and environmental influences on the skin have a role to play in initiating reactions. Those suffering from rosacea are better off focusing on the question of ‘what’ triggers their flare-ups rather than why they’re among over 14 million North Americans struggling with it.
As for specific rosacea triggers, individuals studied while seeking facial redness treatment report sun exposure (81%) as a primary cause. Emotional stress (79%) follows, while hot weather (75%), wind (57%), intense exercise (56%), and alcohol (52%) aren’t far behind. Less than half of all rosacea patients say they experience flare-ups after contact with spicy foods like jalapeno peppers. Other potential triggers include humidity, indoor heat sources, certain skincare products, and medications that dilate blood vessels, such as topical steroids.
Addressing the Reality of Rosacea
Rosacea isn’t just uncomfortable – it’s also unsightly and confidence-hindering. In a world where you’re constantly expected to put your best face forward, having this condition can be both physically and emotionally draining. That’s why it’s important to identify your personal triggers. This will help you not only avoid unwanted outbreaks of redness but also mitigate the long-term effects of rosacea on your skin. Rare occurrences–like eye complications and enlargement of the nose can be managed if caught early on.
If mitigation isn’t enough to reduce symptoms, or if your outbreaks are so severe that they cause you physical discomfort, consult a rosacea treatment Vancouver trusts, like Pacific Derm. Our team of specialists can recommend a variety of potential facial redness treatment options, including mild cleansers and moisturizers, sunscreen, prescription medications like antibiotics, azelaic acid, and vasoconstricting agents.
Laser therapy is another avenue for those who want to address their rosacea head-on. Vascular lasers like the Excel V+ target the underlying blood vessels that cause redness and inflammation. The procedure is painless and requires minimal downtime, making it a popular choice among those with busy schedules.
Rosacea FAQs
What are the early signs of rosacea?
“Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that is characterized by symmetric central facial redness and flushing in its early stages. Initially, the redness may be intermittent – being triggered by any number of factors including stress, exercise, hot foods or drinks, alcohol, and sunlight, to name but a few,” writes Dr. Rivers on rosaceahelp.ca. Over time, the underlying redness may become more constant, and tiny enlarged blood vessels might become visible on the skin’s surface. Occasionally, small inflamed papules (bumps) can emerge in the affected regions, and these blemishes might be mistaken for acne.
Can you stop the progression of rosacea?
On rosaceahelp.ca, Dr. Ulmer writes, “rosacea is considered to be a chronic condition that waxes and wanes. This means that at times it may flare up, and at other times, it may be quiet and stable. It is a disease that can show progression. For example, patients with rosacea often notice their complexion becomes “more blotchy,” “ruddy,” or “more red” over time.”
Another example of progression in rosacea is seen with the worsening of phymatous changes over time. The thickening of affected tissues of the nose, which occurs progressively over time, is known as rhinophyma.
Can rosacea be cured?
Although we have no cure for rosacea, Dr. Ulmer says that we currently have extremely good tools in our toolbox to treat all aspects of rosacea. Proper treatment from your doctor and adopting favorable lifestyle measures (e. g trigger avoidance, gentle skin care, sun avoidance) to minimize flares and inflammation all play a role in helping to limit disease progression. With vascular lasers and intense pulsed light treatment for rosacea, our patients have been able to achieve long-term results.
Is it safe to use makeup on Rosacea-prone skin?
It is generally safe to use makeup on rosacea-prone skin as long as it does not contain any harsh ingredients or irritants. Look for products labelled “non-comedogenic” and “fragrance-free.”
Recommended Treatments
Laser Genesis
This light facial improves fine lines, rosacea, and other skin irregularities.
Rosacea Treatment
There are a number of treatments available that can offer relief from your rosacea.