Dr. Marcie Ulmer recently shared how Environmental Aggressors can cause premature aging

By Pacific Derm on July 13 2016

Dry Skin

The Vancouver Sun, in a July 12, 2016 article on Environmental Aggressors, consulted several skin specialists, among them Dr. Marcie Ulmer, on how they are further exploring this source of premature aging.

In recent years, research on the effects of environmental elements — often dubbed “environmental aggressors” — such as air pollution, have revealed a relatively new frontier for skin care specialists to understand and prescribe treatments.

Dr. Marcie Ulmer, a board-certified cosmetic and medical dermatologist at Pacific Dermaesthetics in Vancouver sums it up: “Intrinsic aging is a natural process and is tied to our genetics. Extrinsic aging on the other hand is due to environmental factors that are accelerating skin aging.”

Please click here to view the full article, and read more of Dr. Ulmer’s insights and recommendations.